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Grace uses the time-tested Christian worship traditions and practices of the Divine Service and the Church Lectionary. We don’t stick to these practices because we must or because we think they are the only right way; we stick to them because we feel they are the best way to share Jesus. These practices keep God’s message of sin and grace at the center of our attention. And that’s where we want your focus to be when you worship at Grace. Worship is not about you and it’s not about the church – it’s all about our Savior, Jesus.  Join us this Sunday!




Sunday Worship | 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM 

Worship at Grace is thoughtfully planned with a theme for each Sunday. The Divine Service includes a recognition of our sin and God’s forgiveness, the reading of Scripture lessons, a confession of the Christian faith, the singing of both new and familiar hymns, special prayers, an offering, a blessing, and a sermon that applies the Bible to your life. The pastor has a children’s message designed for our young worshipers too. Members celebrate Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. You can follow the service in the bulletin or on the worship screens.


Would you like to know more? CLICK HERE to request a free booklet explaining the Divine Service and the Church Lectionary.

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Praising God with Music

Worship music is not a performance, but rather an opportunity for people to publicly praise God. Grace’s instrumentalists, soloists, and choir members are all volunteers from the congregation who offer their time and talents to glorify the Savior. Some are accomplished musicians while others are just beginners. Music at Grace is participative and congregational singing is an essential part of every service. Participate as you are comfortable. No matter your talent level, you will have an opportunity to praise God with music at Grace. A variety of instruments and music styles are welcome and every selection highlights God’s love for us in Jesus.



Baptism is a Promise from God

Baptism is not something you do for God. It’s something God does for you. St. Paul calls baptism a “washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5). Who wouldn’t want that? Holy Baptism isn’t a symbolic commitment from people. It’s a sacred promise of forgiveness from God. God promises that baptism "saves you through the resurrection of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 3:21).  


​Baptism is for Everyone

St. Peter tells us in Acts 2:39 that the promises in baptism are for “you and your children”. In the original Greek, the word “children” was inclusive of infants too. And since there is nothing in Scripture directing believers not to baptize children, we baptize them too. Baptizing babies wouldn't make sense if Holy Baptism was a human act that depended on our knowledge and comprehension. But Baptism is an act of God. And it doesn’t depend on us at all. It only depends on God’s promises. And those promises are for little children too. We want everyone, young and old, to receive God’s promises in Holy Baptism.


Baptism is for You

If you or your children aren’t baptized, you are invited to receive God’s baptismal promises at Grace.




It’s More Than Bread and Wine

We eat bread and drink wine in the sacrament as Jesus commanded. But Holy Communion is more than just the bread and wine we see and taste. Jesus promises, “this is my body” and "this is my blood”.  Jesus is physically present with us through the bread and wine we eat and drink. As St. Paul notes in 1 Corinthians 10, "Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?" In a miraculous way, Jesus assures us of our forgiveness through the very elements with which he earned our salvation – his body and blood. We call this "Real Presence" because Jesus is really present in the sacrament as he promises. 


It’s a Sacrament, Not a Sacrifice

Holy Communion is not a sacrifice, but a sacrament. It is not something we do in order to be forgiven. It is something we do, by Christ’s command, because we are already forgiven by His blood. This sacred act assures you and me of what is already ours through Jesus. It’s a reassuring “I love you” from your Savior.


We Take This Seriously

In 1 Corinthians 11, St. Paul gives a firm warning against someone receiving the Lord’s Supper with an unbelieving heart. We don’t presume to know what is in anyone's heart, but we take Paul’s warning very seriously. We ask visitors to please wait to receive the sacrament until you have an opportunity to communicate your faith through your confession in church membership. 




7000 Providence Rd

Charlotte, NC 28226


(704) 365-6828​

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© Grace Lutheran Church 


A Member of the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod

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