Grace Lutheran Church is fully licensed by the North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE). It undergoes a compliance review and a fire marshal inspection annually and a sanitation department inspection ever six months. All our staff members undergo a background check and are medically cleared for child care employment. Visit the DCDEE site to learn about the North Carolina safety and education guidelines that Grace meets or exceeds. We are proud to partner with the DCDEE to provide the best care possible. Grace is a safe and secure place where your child is loved.
Grace Childcare Center is more than a childcare center- it is a ministry of the church. We see your child as a precious gift of God for whom Christ died and not just a name on an enrollment roster or a number in a budget. Our child care ministry helps young children with five important areas of growth: academics, emotions, relationships, physical, and spiritual growth. Biblical truths and values shape how we help your child develop in each of these key areas of growth.
"Train a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
Parent Information
Hours of Operation
7:15 AM – 5:30 PM
Ages Served
8 weeks – 5 years of age
Home Visits
Your child’s teacher will visit you at your home before enrollment begins. This gives you the opportunity to ask questions and the teacher a chance to explain their classroom’s schedule and procedures. It is helpful for your child to meet their teacher in their home environment before being dropped off at Grace for the first time.
Daily Updates
Expect a daily update on your child’s experience at Grace. Daily updates are provided to parents online through Brightwheel.
Morning and afternoon snacks are provided. Parents provide lunch. Note that Grace is a peanut-free center. Parents can sign up for Pizza Friday which provides your child with pizza on Fridays for a tuition add-on of $5.00/wk.
Optional Extra-Curricular Activities
Weekly soccer, Spanish, music, and theater programs are offered in the Twos, Threes and Fours classrooms. These optional programs are covered by the monthly Activity Fee.
Sickness Policy
Parents are asked to pick up a child who has a fever of 100+ for more than one hour for any suspected reason, vomits more than once, has diarrhea more than once, or is unable to participate in classroom activities because they don’t feel well. Children can return to the classroom after they have been symptom-free for 24 hours. If your child needs medication to suppress the symptoms they are not well enough to return to childcare. It’s heart-wrenching to see your child ill and it’s stressful missing work. But isolating your child at home until they are well will help them recover quicker, avoid recurrence, and prevent the spread of illness.
Weekly Rates
Enrollment Fee................$150.00 at enrollment
Annual Fee.......................$150.00 on July 1st
Late Pick-up Fee..............$1.00/minute
Ages 2-5 Activity Fee.......$75.00/month (optional)
Pizza Friday Fee...............$5.00/week (optional)
Available Discounts
Families with multiple children enrolled receive 10% off their oldest child's tuition. Additional children are full tuition.
Childcare Employees receive 50% off their oldest child's tuition. Additional children are full tuition.
A bank draft or a credit card is accepted. A 3% processing fee is added to credit card payments. Tuition and fees are charged each Monday. Payment changes need to be requested in writing by Thursday. There is no tuition charged on the last Monday in December because Grace is closed that week.
Holiday Closings
Grace is closed for the following holidays: Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Friday, and Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day. There is also a Training Day and a Teacher Work Day planned during the year.
Emergency Closures
The director and teachers notify parents when weather or other emergencies force Grace to close. Tuition is not refunded for emergency closures.
​Discipline Policy
Teachers help misbehaving children recognize the problem, receive forgiveness, and reverse the behavior. “Time out” and re-direction is used when a child is having difficulty with a situation. Teachers will never physically discipline your child. Parents and teachers work together to solve repetitive discipline problems when they occur.
Curriculum Information
Children are not only deeply loved at Grace, but they also receive a well-thought-out early childhood education that prepares them for kindergarten and beyond!
Content Areas
Grace's curriculum considers the eight content areas of school readiness: 1) Approaches to Learning 2) Social & Emotional Development 3) Physical Development 4) Language & Literacy 5) Mathematics 6) Creative Arts
7) Science &Technology 8) Social Studies. Spiritual Growth is an added ninth focus of Grace's curriculum!
Lesson Plans
Grace's custom-designed lessons use important Bible stories as the thematic foundation for each lesson series. Our director and preschool teachers use their training in High Scope learning to arrange their rooms and prepare lessons to coincide with the children’s interest in the weekly theme. All the classrooms share a common weekly theme and Bible lesson, with weekly chapel led by our Staff Minister reinforcing the Bible lesson. Teachers communicate their daily lesson plans and activities to parents so they can talk with their children about their experiences during the day.
Each child has an assessment portfolio that grows with them so you can monitor your child’s development. Teachers use age-appropriate High Scope Key Development Indicators (KDI’s) to evaluate your child’s progress and review the results with the parents. Parents are welcome to meet with their teacher at any time to discuss their child's progress.